
Introduction: Latin–Greek Code-switching in Early Modernity

  • William Michael Barton orcid logo (Universität Innsbruck)
  • Raf Van Rooy (KU Leuven)


This article is the introduction to the forthcoming set of special issues on code-switching in early modernity. Theintroduction begins with an overview of code-switching as an instrumentinherited by literary scholars from the field of linguistics. On this basis,the introduction then provides a summary of the practices of Latin–Greekcode-switching in classical literature. This classical precedence served inearly modernity as a starting point for authors of Latin and Greek texts intheir own compositions, but it serves also today as a starting point forscholars interested in the ancient languages now turning to code-switching inearly modern literature. The final section of this introduction presents anoverview of the key themes and concepts explored in the forthcoming specialissue. It highlights the benefits of the concept of code-switching forunderstanding early modern uses of Latin and Greek, only now emerging as atheme of dedicated research in Neo-Latin and New Ancient Greek studies.

Keywords: Latin, Greek, Neo-Latin, New Ancient Greek, Code-Switching, Classics, Linguistics, Early Modern literature, Early Modern Literature

How to Cite:

Barton, W. M. & Van Rooy, R., (2024) “Introduction: Latin–Greek Code-switching in Early Modernity”, Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literatures 9. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/jolcel.90013

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Published on
01 Feb 2024