Response Piece

Towards a Codico-Ecology of Latin



This contribution is the response piece to a larger dialogue of four articles that form the current issue of JOLCEL. The other contributions are “Between Reading and Viewing: Mapping and Experiencing Rome and Other Spaces” by Klazina Staat (pp. 7–42), “The Incipit Miniature of the Morgan Gospel of John” by Barbara Baert (pp. 44–67), “Latin beyond Words: The Material Presences of Latin in Fascist Italy” by Han Lamers (pp. 69–101), and “Looking at Latin 1911–1965–2019: An Ancient Language in Modern Art” by Simon Smets (pp. 103–36).


How to Cite: Debiais, V. (2023) “Towards a Codico-Ecology of Latin”, Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literatures.(8). doi: